by admin | Jul 19, 2021 | News
Horse Show Review For the fourth show of the season, we traveled north with 20 horses. We were excited as this was a new show, in a new venue, in a quaint little town about 45 minutes south of Albany, NY. Located between the Hudson River and the stunning Catskill...
by admin | Jun 12, 2021 | News
Horse Show Review We took 13 horses to Southern States in Raleigh, NC, and came home with 12 championships, one reserve championship and ten first place ribbons. Tony Lee and CBMF Uprising made an award-winning debut in the Roadster to Bike division. Linda Brewer was...
by admin | May 20, 2021 | News
Horse Show Review Earlier last month, Dwayne and John took two young mares to the UPHA Ch. 15 Children’s Benefit Show in Logan Township, NJ. The mares had never been in a show ring before and both won their qualifying class and championship. Dwayne & John kept...
by admin | Mar 10, 2021 | News
New Additions Get Smart’s recipient mare, Radish, had a bay filly by Mizrahi. They nicknamed Cindy Nord’s filly Diva. News from the Broadmoor Gang Last month, Kim Germ-Cramer joined Holly Johnson and her family on a ski vacation at Big Sky Mountain in Montana. Kim...
by admin | Feb 7, 2021 | News
New Additions To her menagerie of former Broadmoor barn cats, Sharon Picus added a 10-week-old Doberman puppy. ‘Walter’ is her first red Doberman. The cats get out of his way when he gallops around the house. However, they steal his food, bed and toys. Sharon posts...
by admin | Jan 19, 2021 | News
Our Morgan Horse community congratulates C.A. Lee, III on being named UPHA’s 2020 Alvin C. Ruxer Lifetime Commitment Award recipient! Well deserved indeed. The UPHA Alvin C. Ruxer Lifetime Commitment Award recognizes the dedicated service and support of an UPHA...